


Sustainable actions are rooted in all of us.  When we come together to establish a culture grounded in inclusive, sustainable practices we all prosper. To help build a sustainable community we are focused on the following:

  • We strive to connect those who wish to work towards common goals, advocate for sustainability issues, or work on projects with each other.
  • We facilitate lively presentations on various topics, providing inspiration and education for our members.
  • We have a partnership program which provides an opportunity for local organizations to increase the effectiveness of their sustainability efforts.

LOSN supports the community through communication, events, and activities

  • Hosting events that allow sustainability advocates and partners to learn about and celebrate the successes in moving our community forward.
  • Providing networking opportunities for sustainability advocates through monthly Social Hours (post-Covid).
  • Publishing monthly Sustainability Insider newsletters.
    Subscribe to our Newsletter using the form in the footer below.
    Find our latest Newsletters here.


  1. Unite:  Bring our community together in support of sustainability initiatives. Increase the number of participants and active partners throughout the community.
  2. Communicate:  Facilitate communication between participants and partner organizations in order to maximize impact.
  3. Educate:  Provide opportunities for community members to learn and apply best practices grounded in sustainable solutions.

    Calendar of Events

    • Repair Fair (summer 2023)


    Mary Ratcliff

    Committee Members

    • Mary Ratcliff
    • Kathleen Wiens
    • Jini Stupak
    • Dorothy Atwood

    Looking for a volunteer opportunity?

    • Become a Social Hour host for our monthly social hours (post-Covid). Social Hour host volunteers help welcome interested newcomers and provide information about our mission, our sustainability agenda, and how they can get involved. Hosts also provide a welcoming environment for sustainability advocates who want to get to know their sustainability friends. If you are  interested, please contact us.
    • Our in-person events provide opportunities for volunteers to help with welcoming attendees, providing snacks, handing out flyers to advertise our event, and so on. If you would like to help with our events, sign up by contacting us.


    1. Community Forum education events
    2. Lake Oswego Repair Fairs partnering with Clackamas County

      Community Green Teams

      Lake Oswego is home to a number of planned communities — some which have active Green Teams. These teams are focused on how they can help their residents be more sustainable.

      Lake Oswego has several Life Plan communities networking with others in the region. Their Green Teams work together to share ideas and processes that can make their communities more sustainable. This document shares a number of best practices relevant to planned communities.


      Kids at the Repair Fair

      Diversity, Equity, Inclusion

      Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


      One of the three pillars of sustainability is social equity along with the environment and economic vitality. LOSN’s focus on diversity, equity and inclusion incorporates a strong social equity component into our organization and for our community.


      Create a more diverse, equitable and inclusive community. Incorporate and embed diversity equity and inclusion internally in the LOSN organization.




      1. Collaborative Candidate forums with Respond to Racism
      2. Work internally with the LOSN board to embed DEI thinking into LOSN through internal assessments of activities and action teams.
      3. Internal education through quarterly reading group for LOSN and DEI action teams on topics relevant to DEI and sustainability

      Areas of Interest

      • Educate the community through partnership programs with the LO library.
      • Develop relationships with other social equity groups and groups that represent non-dominate races (such as: LO For Love, Interfaith connections, Hunger Fighters, Hispanic Community, Asian community
      • Promote dialogue between diverse constituents on thorny issues (such as race, low-income housing)


      Dorothy Atwood


      • Linda Ganzini
      • Esther Schwartz
      • Lisa Adatto
      • Dorothy Atwood

      Natural Resources

      Natural Resources


      Our natural resources are integral to a sustainable society.  We all depend on clean air and water and healthy ecosystems to support life.  Our community needs to understand the impacts of human actions on the environment and be responsible for taking action to protect and improve the natural systems that sustain us.

      Healthy Natural Resources are an essential part of addressing climate change

      Oftentimes when we think about climate change, we think of reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. Yet human contribution to the rise in carbon emissions in the atmosphere is not only due to our burning of fossil fuels, but also in the impoverishment of nature’s ability to absorb carbon in soil, in trees, and other high-carbon ecosystems. The degradation of our lands, including the earth’s fertile agricultural soils, is in itself another massive disaster facing humans. Yet, by looking to nature, we can take actions that can change this trajectory. Natural climate solutions – conservation, restoration, and land management activities – can help revive nature’s ability to sequester and store carbon. Healthy soils are an intrinsic component of addressing climate change and cooling the earth.



      1.  Support Natural Resources Goals and action items included in the Sustainability and Climate Action Plan for Lake Oswego by partnering with the city and the Oswego Lake Watershed Council (OLWC).
      2. Protect and Enhance the Lake Oswego Urban Forest
      3. Support the adoption of a Natural Resource Management Plan for City of Lake Oswego Natural Areas.
      4. Reducing toxins in landscaping practices (pesticides and herbicides)


      1. Tree Summit community gathering  – held annually with OLWC
      2. Soil Your Undies – community science project with OLWC
      3. Community Forums relating to Natural Resources with OLWC

        Calendar of Events

        • Tree Summit
        • Soil Your Undies – Earth Day distribution of 100% cotton underwear to be buried in gardens
        • Reveal Your Undies – Event to display results from the Soil Your Undies program


        • Stephanie Wagner
        • Kathleen Wiens
        • Mark Puhlman
        • Mary Ratcliff


        Stephanie Wagner


        Loving & protecting our environment – Testimonials

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        In 2019, Transportation accounted for 36% of CO2 emissions in Oregon.Reducing the use of fossil fuels as an energy source and reducing overall vehicle miles traveled (VMT’s) are both critical tactics in addressing the climate crisis.  Our vision of a sustainable transportation system  extends beyond electrification of vehicles to a broad range of issues that involve how we organize our space and move about in our city.



        1. Promote replacement of carbon-fueled with electric-powered vehicles as soon as possible. This includes cars, trucks, buses (especially school buses).
        2. Promote walking, biking, public transit as alternatives to driving.
        3. Promote telecommuting, telemedicine, etc. when possible, as a way to reduce vehicle usage.
        4. Heighten citizen awareness of the interaction between transportation and land use policies.


        Team Members

        • Duke Castle
        • Lisa Adatto

        Related Areas


          1. Promote Electric Vehicles (EV)
          2. Promoting EV charging availability for residents of multifamily dwellings. We participate on a city commission that is studying this issue.
          3. Promoting electrification of school buses

          Areas of Interest



            Lake Oswego Sustainability Network



            The LOSN Interfaith Action Team was started to initially explore what sustainability efforts are currently ongoing within the Lake Oswego faith community.  It has evolved to support individual congregational sustainability efforts and to promote interfaith collaboration around sustainability.


            The Interfaith community in Lake Oswego is aware, engaged and empowered to take action toward sustainability through partnership with the Lake Oswego Sustainability Network, which in turn recognizes and acknowledges the needs of this community in the fulfillment of its mission.


            1. Create a network of faith organizations in Lake Oswego and the surrounding communities.
            2. Offer quarterly Interfaith coffees.
            3. Provide support and sustainability opportunities for our Interfaith community.
            4. Provide support for local religious groups to demonstrate and improve sustainability practices through the Clackamas County Leaders in Sustainability certification program.


            • Cheryll Simmerman, The Bahá’í Faith Member
            • Dorothy Atwood, LOSN Board Member
            • Lisa Adatto, LOSN Board Member and Beit Haverim Member
            • Michelle McKinnon-Young, Pastor at Lake Oswego United Methodist Church
            • Sydney Brewster, Christ Church Member
            • Phil Bertrand, New Thought Center for Spiritual Living
            • Rev. Masando Hiraoka, Associate Minister, New Thought Center for Spiritual Living

            Calendar of Events

              Quarterly Coffees
              May Panel - May 18, 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

              Join us for a inspirational panel on how core religious tenets relate to sustainability with local religious leaders

              LEARN MORE…


              Quarterly Interfaith Coffees

              Participating Faith Institutions