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April 2021 Online Forum: The Soil Will Save Us

Online via Zoom

Kristin Ohlson, author of "The Soil Will Save Us", presented her case for "our great green hope" - a way in which we can heal the land, turn atmospheric carbon into beneficial soil carbon, and potentially reverse global warming - through regenerative agricultural and landscaping practices.

October 2021 Online Forum: Sustainability in LO Schools

Online via Zoom

On October 14, LOSN presented a discussion with Tony and Larry, moderated by Courtney Clements, LOSN Education Action Team co-chair, about the K-12 sustainability curriculum in our district and the critical role school buildings and grounds play in teaching these lessons to our students.

Earth Month Forum: Get the latest scoop on healthy soil and how it affects our food

Online via Zoom

Dr. David Montgomery, internationally known expert and author on soil health and regenerative agriculture, will cover the latest science in soil health and healthy food. The brewing soil health revolution cuts through standard debates about conventional and organic farming.On farms in both the industrialized and developing countries improving soil health through the adoption of three […]


Lake Oswego Sustainability Resource Fair

Lakeridge Middle School 4700 Jean Road, Lake Oswego, OR, United States

Come to the first annual Lake Oswego Sustainability Resource Fair Come learn about the work organizations across our community are doing to advance sustainability, find opportunities to volunteer and to participate in educational programs, connect with community members who are interested in sustainability, and learn how you can help protect the environment, save money, and […]


Electrify LO: How Lake Oswego Can Address the Climate Crisis

Lake Oswego Public Library 706 5th St, Lake Oswego, OR, United States

Find out how you can help address the Climate Crisis Many of you are alarmed about the climate crisis and trying to figure out what you can do to help slow global warming. One of the most impactful changes you can make is to electrify both how you get around and the sources of energy […]


LOSN Electrification Fair

Lake Oswego United Methodist Church 1855 South Shore Blvd, Lake Oswego, OR, United States

Join Us at the LO Electrification Fair!This event combines our EV fair with a vendor fair and talks for home electrification. Find out why an all-electric lifestyle is one of the best strategies in dealing with the climate crisis. Chat with Lake Oswego EV owners who will bring their car to the show Take a […]
