Lake Oswego Sustainability Resource Fair

Come to the first annual Lake Oswego Sustainability Resource Fair

Come learn about the work organizations across our community are doing to advance sustainability, find opportunities to volunteer and to participate in educational programs, connect with community members who are interested in sustainability, and learn how you can help protect the environment, save money, and give back to your community. Kids can participate in arts and crafts and everyone can tour the new Lakeridge Middle School and its sustainable design features. There will also be a tree seedling giveaway!

PGE will also be holding an electric tool exchange where you can recycle your gas-powered yard tool and purchase an electric model. Advance registration with PGE is required to participate in the tool exchange. Register here.

The resource fair is free and open to all.

Presented by: The City of Lake Oswego’s Sustainability Advisory Board is partnering with the Lake Oswego School District, the Lake Oswego Sustainability Network, and the Oswego Lake Watershed Council to host the first Lake Oswego Sustainability Resource Fair.