March 2021 Online Forum: Hydrogen as a Conveyor of Zero Carbon Energy

Ken Dragoon, Director of Hydrogen Development forĀ Obsidian Renewables, gave a fascinating talk about hydrogen and the promising future this technology holds for the future. Hydrogen can be an important component in reaching zero carbon energy because the excess energy produced by renewables such as solar and wind can be turned into hydrogen gas by using electricity to break apart water molecules.

When you need power, you can turn the hydrogen back into electricity with a fuel cell. Or if you would rather, you can burn it to make steel or cement or you can combine it with nitrogen from the air and make fertilizer. When you use hydrogen as a fuel, the only residue is good old H2O.

Ken Dragoon, Director of Hydrogen Development for Obsidian Renewables, gave a fascinating talk about hydrogen and the promising future this technology holds for the future.