Introducing a new volunteer coaching program from Electrify Oregon and the Lake Oswego Sustainability Network

Consumers around Oregon are interested in electrification, but it’s complicated. They may want to weatherize their homes, install solar panels, heat pumps, and batteries, or buy an EV. It can hard to decide how to prioritize, how to find contractors or how to find incentives. As an electrification coach, you will offer independent advice without a financial incentive.

How do I sign up to become a coach with Electrify Oregon?

Electrify Oregon, a statewide electrification group, is working with community organizations throughout the state to offer a coaching program. If you are interested in becoming an electrification coach:

  1. Sign up for the Rewiring America coaching. You will get a response from them with instructions
  2. Email your name and email address to LOSN Board Member Lisa Adatto at That way we can invite you to the Oregon-specific training and get you started here in our state.

What kind of training will I receive?

All of the training will be virtual. You will go through a month-long program offered by Rewiring America, taught by some of the best experts in the US. You will meet fellow coaching students from around the country. It has the following components:

  • Four comprehensive 90-minute Zoom classes, available in real time, or at your convenience, about weatherization, electrification products like induction stoves, heat pumps, batteries and more, EV’s, financial programs, and how to coach
  • Coaching tools including the Personal Electrification Plan (PEP), the opportunity to roleplay, and details about IRA and other financial resources
  • A workbook for each class
  • Videos and written material covering all aspects of electrification
  • Quizzes to test your knowledge and identify any misunderstandings
  • Homework including your first coaching session and creating a resource handbook
  • Access to experts who work with you one-on-one
  • Ongoing access to the Rewiring online community for coaches

You will also attend one Zoom workshop hosted by Electrify Oregon to orient you to the logistics, support services and expectations for coaches who participate in the Oregon program. If you are drawn to one particular area of interest (like heat pumps or solar panels), we will encourage you to get extra training and become a subject expert.

What is expected of me as a coach for Electrify Oregon?

  • Once trained, we expect that you will put in five to ten hours a month coaching clients.
  • You will receive names of clients from Electrify Oregon or from your local community electrification organization that participates in Electrify Oregon.
  • You will be track your coaching sessions and your answers to client questions on the Electrify Oregon online system.
  • You will be invited to attend a monthly zoom coaching meeting during which we will look at particular cases and discuss best practices.
  • If you become a subject expert you may be coaching people from around the state. Other coaches may refer people to you.
  • You will have latitude in your approach to coaching. Many coaches work by zoom or by text or phone. You may also choose to meet people in-person at local events, coffee shops or their homes.
  • If there is interest, we may offer an annual in-person get together for coaches.

What support and other benefits will I get?

Most people coach because they enjoy working in their community, are passionate about solving climate change, and want to be part of this exciting movement. As an Electrify Oregon coach, you will be part of the Electrify Oregon community with a monthly coaching meeting to share ideas, advice and resources, and we hope you will build relationships with other coaches in your community and across the state.

Be one of the first electrification coaches in Oregon!

The Electrify Oregon coaching program will launch in the fall of 2024. As the first cohort of coaches, we will look to you for advice and feedback about the program, how it works and how to improve it. Get in on the ground floor and be part of the solution!